I work according to the Integrative Coaching Approach, which is based on the assumption that the uniqueness of a person and her or his life situation require the development of an individual, tailor-made coaching involving various methods.
My repertoire includes among others:
- Biography work (life profile)
- Constellation work (decision, solution, organization, system)
- Integrative coaching
- Interpersonal neurobiology I Dr Dan Siegel I
- Methods of humanistic psychology, communication psychology, motivational psychology and transactional analysis
- Questioning techniques
- Resource- and solution-oriented consulting
- Systemic coaching
- Theme-centered interaction
- Trauma-informed coaching
- Value-oriented coaching
- 12 Coping Styles I Source Code I Dr Sam Rader I Los Angeles CA I
Competence Survey "Kompetenzenbilanz"
The Competence Survey is a procedure for competence-oriented career counselling and was developed by PerformPartner (Munich) in cooperation with the Chair of Organizational and Business Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the Zukunftszentrum Tirol. The consulting process is characterized by its clear focus on strengths and thus activates self-motivation of clients to shape their careers proactively and autonomously (Lang-von Wins, T. & Triebel, C., Springer-Verlag, 2006 & 2011).
The focus of the Competence Survey is on people who are in situations of change, e.g.
- during the process of career choice
- at the start of one's career
- in career advancement
- in the assumption of management responsibility
- when returning to work after parental leave or unemployment
- in phases of professional reorientation
- in the context of a business start-up etc.
to offer a possibility for a structured reflection of one's own resources, which leads to the elaboration of concrete goals.