Coaching Topics
Academic Career Development
- On the way to academic independence/professorship
- Matching clinical and research career
- Exit from academia - Competence-oriented career counseling
- Designing your own position - Job Crafting
- Career goal: Science management
- Career goal: Science communication
- Strategy development (e.g. Plan A/Plan B)
- Reconciliation of professional und private life
- Vision development
- Preparation for the appointment process and "auditions"
- Values-based shaping of the science career - Career Crafting
- Professional networking and visibility
- Transition from current field of activity to another field of work
Reflective and Balanced Self-Leadership
- Mindfulness, presence & aliveness
- Authenticity & integrity
- Balancing between authentic autonomy and community
- From fragmentation to integration and connectedness
- Recognizing and maintaining one's own boundaries
- Giving space to creation & creativity
- Integration of heart and mind
- Constructive overcoming of crises
- Life-balance & Well-being
- Motivation
- Solution-oriented regulation and integration of feelings & emotions
- Prioritization and complexity management
- Resource-oriented role management
- Self-organization in everyday life
- Selfworth stabilization & self-appreciation
- Self-efficacy & pro-activity
- Stress reduction
- Dealing with change
- Cultivating connectedness
- Further development of resilience
Further Development of Social Competencies
- Developing collegiality & cooperativeness
- Conversation and negotiation skills
- Relevance of psychological safety
- Setting boundaries - saying no!
- Gender competence
- Intercultural awareness - Third Culture Building
- Communication at eye level - in a hierarchical system -
- Conflict management
- Constructive handling of difficult colleagues and supervisors
- Facilitation - as a communication tool -
- Proactive networking - dealing constructively with visibility traps -
- Showing up - Dealing with fragility -
- Productive collaboration
- Dealing professionally with competition
- Dealing with role conflicts
Further Development of Leadership, Supervision and Management Skills
Analysis and improvement of supervision & management work at the
- Directional level (goals, milestones, strategies)
- Structural level (roles, responsibilities, tasks)
- Process level (coordination, cooperation, communication)
- Interpersonal level (security, affiliation, trust, motivation)
Development of a professional-authentic care/leadership style
- Experience & competence based supervision/leadership profile
- Comfort zone-based leadership & supervision
- Context appropriateness (organization, culture, stakeholders, situation, personalities, responsibilities)
- Motivation of students, doctoral candidates and employees
- Relevance of psychological safety
Other aspects
- Establish meeting and communication culture
- Managing change
- Lateral leadership
- Professional moderation of meetings and processes
- Project management
- Top-down and bottom-up approaches
- Transition from the current field of activity to another task or work area
- Dealing with role conflicts in a leadership/supervision context